Learn More About Wireless Emissions

Conventional Baby Monitors Emit High Doses of Wireless Emissions
A worrying majority of baby monitors available to parents today employ transmission technologies that emit strong doses of radiation, all through the day, and even when on standby. The wireless technology used in other monitors do not fit the use case for baby products. Bebcare's DSR technology reduces the amount of wireless power used in our smart baby monitors.

Babies Brains Absorb 60% More Wireless Radiation than Adults
Most hi-tech baby monitors hide the potential hazards of wireless technology in a fine print caution on packaging. While wireless radiation carries documented health risks for people of all ages, children and babies are especially vulnerable. We are living in a world that is filled with wireless signals, whose long-term effects are not well understood.

This Generation is New to Wireless Emissions Everywhere
While smartphones and wireless technology have made an indelible mark on how we live our lives, the science on the effects of wireless emissions is yet to catch up with technology. Long-term studies of the effects of constant wireless exposure are just starting to proliferate the scientific community. In particular, effects on young child may have severe long term consequences on the child's mental development.

Baby Monitor is Becoming Crucial for Today’s New Parents
Our team has its fair share of product scientists and MIT engineers with decades of expertise in their chosen fields, but what they also have in common is an appreciation for the tremendous challenge of raising a child. The Bebcare team set out to build premium babycare baby monitors that has no compromise between safety, features, and performance. Our baby monitors emit significant lower wireless emissions compared other baby monitors, ensuring the highest level of safety for your child